

System requirements

Well, I don't really know. I tested hsc with an A2000, AmigaOS 2.04. To convert reasonable sized pages, about 200K of free ram should be enough. But if you really write W3-pages with your machine (and probably use MUI and Amosaic or ALynx), you should have a machine far beyond hsc's requirements.

As hsc has become a bit slow, a fast CPU (>=68030/25MHz) is recommended.

hsc works best in combination with make.

Knownledge requirements

hsc is not a tool for beginners. It does not make html easier. It only makes it a bit less painful. That's all.

There exists several sources for beginners, and this won't be page #1876545 which lists these sources.

And, for bigger projects, you should know how to write makefiles. In a makefile, hsc acts similar to a c-compiler and it should be no real problem for you to integrate it.

An example for the use of hsc within a makefile is included with this distribution. (But, frankly speaking, I am far from being a pro with creating makefiles. If you are able to rewrite the included makefile so that it works with file patterns, I would appreciate if you mail it to me.)


Thomas Aglassinger ( agi@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at ), 09-Oct-1995, 11:07